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hw:fpga:customip:start [2010/05/05 12:54]
szymon.kulis created
hw:fpga:customip:start [2019/03/08 14:08] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Custom IP ====== ====== Custom IP ======
-{{:​hw:​fpga:​customip:​xapp967.pdf| XAPP967 Customizing the OPB IPIF SW Interface and Drivers}}+   ​* ​{{:​hw:​fpga:​customip:​xapp967.pdf| XAPP967 Customizing the OPB IPIF SW Interface and Drivers}} 
 +   * {{:​hw:​fpga:​customip:​edk_custom_ip_sprocom.pdf|Adding a custom IP to PowerPC using Zilinx XPS }} 
 +   * {{:​hw:​fpga:​customip:​tutorial_adding_my_ip.pdf| Adding Custom IP to an Embedded 
 +System Lab }} 
 +   * {{:​hw:​fpga:​customip:​mbtutorial.pdf| MicroBlaze Tutorial Creating a Simple Embedded System and  Adding Custom Peripherals Using Xilinx EDK Software Tools }}
/services/www/http/wiki/data/attic/hw/fpga/customip/start.1273056870.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/08 14:06 (external edit)