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svn:start [2012/07/20 13:30]
svn:start [2022/12/21 17:08] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
   * [[http://​​ | SVN Project website ]]   * [[http://​​ | SVN Project website ]]
   * SVN Book [[http://​​ | PL ]] [[ http://​​ | ENG ]]   * SVN Book [[http://​​ | PL ]] [[ http://​​ | ENG ]]
-  * [[​ ]] (doesn'​t work yet)+  * [[​ ]] 
 +===== SVNShell & SmartSVN =====
 +{{:​svn:​svnshell.tar| SVNShell_script}} **DO NOT USE -- OLD**\\
 +{{:​svn:​smartsvn.tar| SmartSVN_script}} **DO NOT USE -- OLD**\\
 +Download, untar (''​tar -xf name.tar''​) and add to ''​$PATH''​.
 ===== Administrators ===== ===== Administrators =====
-  * SVN administrator ​: **Szymon Kulis** +  * SVN administrators ​**Kuba Moron**, ​**Szymon Kulis** 
-  * People who can help : **Krzysztof Swientek**, **Kuba Moron**+  * People who can help : **Krzysztof Swientek**
 ===== Using SVN ===== ===== Using SVN =====
Line 18: Line 23:
 ==== Starting svn shell ==== ==== Starting svn shell ====
-Before you start using svn you have to start svn shell (or provide keys to ssh client in diferent ​way)+Before you start using svn you have to start **svnshell**. The main function of this script is to simplify key management, you will be asked only once to enter yours pass-phrase at script startup (if you don't like this script you may configure your ssh client in different ​way). Script is pre-installed on all production servers (koi, ibm). To start shell, just type:
 <​code>​ svnshell </​code> ​ <​code>​ svnshell </​code> ​
 You should see modified prompt : You should see modified prompt :
 <​code>​ [SVN] promt$ </​code> ​ <​code>​ [SVN] promt$ </​code> ​
 +  * script assumes existence of  public/​private-key named **svn** and **** in yours **.ssh** directory (''​.ssh/​svn''​ and ''​.ssh/​''​)
 +  * script doesn'​t have any significant dependencies you may copy it to you workstation and use it 
 +  * script source is in ''​svn : cds_etc/​trunk/​etc/​svn_scripts/​svnshell''​
Line 27: Line 37:
 ==== Getting repository ==== ==== Getting repository ====
 To get local copy of repository : To get local copy of repository :
- <​code>​ svn checkout svn+ssh://​​REPOSITORY_NAME </​code>​  + <​code>​ svn checkout svn+ssh://​​REPOSITORY_NAME </​code>​  
-or optionaly ​ +or optionally ​ 
- <​code>​ svn checkout svn+ssh://​​REPOSITORY_NAME/​trunk REPOSITORY_NAME </​code> ​+ <​code>​ svn checkout svn+ssh://​​REPOSITORY_NAME/​trunk REPOSITORY_NAME </​code> ​
 ==== Update ==== ==== Update ====
Line 64: Line 74:
 <​code>​ </​code>​ <​code>​ </​code>​
 +==== How to revert to a previous revision ====
 +  - make sure that you haven'​t made any changes to you repository. If you changed something, it will cause problems. The easies way is to <​code>​rm ./* 
 +svn update</​code>​
 +  - use this command to see what is going to be changed when you go from current revision to **NNN** revision of **dir** <​code>​svn merge  -rHEAD:NNN dir</​code>​
 +  - if you like action proposed by previous command, ​ just remove **--dry-run** to revert: <​code>​svn merge  --dry-run ​ -rHEAD:NNN dir</​code>​
 +  - real life example <​code>​cd AMS400/​EUDET_VI_AMS/​
 +svn merge  -rHEAD:128 .</​code>​
 ===== Setting up svn ===== ===== Setting up svn =====
Line 79: Line 97:
 Editor to be invoked is specified by environmental variable SVN_EDITOR. To change Editor to be invoked is specified by environmental variable SVN_EDITOR. To change
 default editor you should set this variable in yours ''​~/​.bashrc''​ file, e.g: default editor you should set this variable in yours ''​~/​.bashrc''​ file, e.g:
-<​code>​ export SVN_EDITOR=vim </​code>​+<​code>​ export SVN_EDITOR=gvim </​code>​
 ===== typical use case ===== ===== typical use case =====
Line 115: Line 133:
 Last Changed Date: ... Last Changed Date: ...
-$svn switch --relocate http://​​YOUR_REPO svn+ssh://​​YOUR_REPO .+$svn switch --relocate http://​​YOUR_REPO svn+ssh://​​YOUR_REPO .
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 135: Line 153:
 Data ostatniej zmiany: 2012-05-18 15:57:54 +0200 (pią) ​ Data ostatniej zmiany: 2012-05-18 15:57:54 +0200 (pią) ​
-$svn sw --relocate http://​​EUDET_VI_IBM/​trunk svn+ssh://​​EUDET_VI_IBM/​trunk .+$svn sw --relocate http://​​EUDET_VI_IBM/​trunk svn+ssh://​​EUDET_VI_IBM/​trunk .
 $ svn info $ svn info
 Ścieżka: . Ścieżka: .
-URL: svn+ssh://​svn/​EUDET_VI_IBM/​trunk +URL: svn+ssh://​​EUDET_VI_IBM/​trunk 
-Katalog główny repozytorium:​ svn+ssh://​svn/​EUDET_VI_IBM+Katalog główny repozytorium:​ svn+ssh://​​EUDET_VI_IBM
 UUID repozytorium:​ 134063e6-8b79-43c4-80ea-df54b304f938 UUID repozytorium:​ 134063e6-8b79-43c4-80ea-df54b304f938
 Wersja: 789 Wersja: 789
Line 151: Line 169:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +===== Relocate to asic =====
 +To relocate **YOUR_REPO** from lumifun to asic please follow the instructions given below:
 +  - Go to **YOUR_REPO** directory <​code>​$ cd path_to_YOUR_REPO </​code>​
 +  - Check current URL **(third line below between > and <​)**<​code>​$ svn info
 +Path: .
 +URL: >>>​ svn+ssh://​[email protected]/​YOUR_REPO <<<​
 +Repository Root: svn+ssh://​[email protected]/​YOUR_REPO
 +Repository UUID: a855ac54-1f2a-4fde-b2df-7ae56cbf9e90
 +Revision: 107
 +Node Kind: directory
 +Schedule: normal
 +Last Changed Author: someone
 +Last Changed Rev: 1
 +Last Changed Date: 2014-02-08 17:47:30 +0100 (Sat, 08 Feb 2014)
 +  - Run svnshell
 +  - Copy current URL (between > and < above) and perform command:<​code>​
 +$ svn sw --relocate CURRENT_URL_FROM_SVN_INFO svn+ssh://​[email protected]/​YOUR_REPO
 +===== Windows =====
 +   - Install putty using installer (http://​​~sgtatham/​putty/​download.html)
 +   - Use **puttygen.exe** to generate keys 
 +     - enter ** PASSPHRASE **
 +     - change key lenght to **2048 RSA**
 +     - move mouse during key generation
 +     - after generation **save keys to disk** (both private and public)
 +     - **send** public key to SVN administrator
 +   - Open putty
 +     - go to  Session -> Connection -> SSH -> Auth
 +     - click the "​Browse..."​ button and select the ppk file that you just saved using PuTTYgen
 +     - now return to the "​Session"​ category
 +         * enter hostname : ****
 +         * saved sessions : **lumifun**
 +         * clic **save**
 +   - Open TortoiseSVN -> Settings
 +         * Select the **Network configuration** and point the SSH client to **TortoisePlink.exe** (location where you installed Tortoise) ​
 +   - Use svn, ass a path to repository use <​code>​svn+ssh://​[email protected]/​REPO_NAME</​code>​
 +   - To avoid entering passphrase each time you need:
 +     * run **pageant.exe** (putty instalation directory)
 +     * click on your private key to unlock it
 +     * You need to do it after each reboot
/services/www/http/wiki/data/attic/svn/start.1342783809.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/08 14:06 (external edit)