======= Impact (cable drivers) on Ubuntu ======
===== Ubuntu 12.04 and Xilinx 14.6 =====
1. You must INSTALL Xilinx tools not just copy it to get possibility to program a device.
Instalator modify a system in several places not only copynig files to pointed directory.
Created files/directories:
2. After instalation go through points 1 to 4 in the description of instllation on Ubuntu 10.04.
Point 5 is not necessary.
===== Ubuntu 10.04 and Xilinx 13.4 =====
Found by Adrian Matoga. Source site: [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1547435]] \\
*1. Copy the udev rules and adapt the file to the new udev-version
sudo cp /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/xusbdfwu.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xusbdfwu.rules
sudo sed -i -e 's/TEMPNODE/tempnode/' -e 's/SYSFS/ATTRS/g' -e 's/BUS/SUBSYSTEMS/' /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xusbdfwu.rules
For Debain >= 7.0 update the UDEV rules by changing the second line from:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="03fd", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0008", MODE="666"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="03fd", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0008", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"
and add yourself to the plugdev group.
If your machine is running 32-bit Linux change ''lin64'' to ''lin'' on the first line. \\
Change ''/opt/Xilinx/13.4'' on the first line if your path to Xilinx or ise version are different.
*2. Copy the hex-files used by different Xilinx cables to ''/usr/share'' and make them readable by regular users
sudo cp /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/xusb*.hex /usr/share/
sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/xusb*.hex
Again, change path and ''lin64'' as you need.
*3. Install ''fxload'', which is used by the rules, and ''libusb-dev'', which is needed by iMPACT
sudo apt-get install fxload libusb-dev
*4. Restart udev (in Debian >= 7.0 reboot)
sudo restart udev
*5. To make planAhead work two script files must be edited.
sudo sed -i -e 's/#!\/bin\/sh/#!\/bin\/bash/' /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/PlanAhead/bin/planAhead
sudo sed -i -e 's/#!\/bin\/sh/#!\/bin\/bash/' /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/PlanAhead/bin/loader
Again change path and version.