Digital Signal Processing
title | Author | jurnal | date |
Digital filtering for noise reduction in nuclear detectors | D. Alberto, M.P. Bussa, E. Falletti, L. Ferrero, R. Garello, A. Grasso, M. Greco, M. Maggiora | NIMA | 2008 |
FPGA implementation of digital filters for nuclear detectors | D. Alberto, E. Falletti, L. Ferrero, R. Garello, M. Greco, M. Maggiora | NIMA | 2009 |
Experimental Comparison of State-of-the-Art Methods for Digital Optimum Filter Synthesis With Arbitrary Constraints and Noise | Stefano Riboldi, Roberto Abbiati, Angelo Geraci, Emilio Gatti | TNS | 2005 |
Sampling Pulses for Optimal Timing | Abdelkader Bousselham Christian Bohm | TNS | 2007 |
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