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Monte Carlo analysis

HIT-KIT 3.70; spectra

details: file:///opt/cds/designKits/ams_v3.70/www/hitkit/circuit_sim/montecarlo/mismatch.html

Models setting

To run MC simulations you must set Monte Carlo sections of elements models.
So run virtuoso analog design environment and click setup → model libraries. Next change in libraries (cmos53, res, cap, etc) name of section, from *tm to *mc. For example cmostm → cmosmc.

Run of simulation

After change the models, you run the simulation: tools → monte carlo
Gauss distibution requiere over 30 samples. So number of runs should be higher than 30. To see all results, change save data between runs checkbox on true.


Results as characteristic family:
In setup outputs set data type on wave.

Results as histograms:
In setup outputs set data type on scalar.

/services/www/http/wiki/data/attic/soft/cadence/monte_carlo/start.1247650007.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/08 14:06 (external edit)