To check LVS using Calibre tool a few following steps are needed.
In schematic window:
Create netlist of schematic. From main menu → IBM_PDK → Netlist → CDL.
In new create CDL window (at 1st run) fill a Library name and Top cell name fields with appropriate names. Change run directory if necessary (Calibre LVS generate large number of files)
Prepare LVS netlist. From main menu → IBM_PDK → Netlist → CDL Processor for LVS.
In CDL processor for LVS window change Run directory to directory with netlist file. Mark the netlist file and move (i.e. using double-click) to files to process tab.
In layout window:
Run Calibre LVS: main menu → IBM_PDK → Checking → Calibre → LVS.
No trace property and PEX run options set on FALSE
In Input section, netlist tab: unselect export from schematic viewer checkbox and point out the cell_name.netlist.lvs file in the Files path.
Run LVS.
/services/www/http/wiki/data/pages/soft/cadence/start/layout/lvs_calibre/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/08 14:08 (external edit)