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This is an old revision of the document!

Current Subversion structure in ZEJ group:


    1. EUDET_VI_IBM_ADC - LUMI_ADC_V2 - submitted 05.05.2012 with later changes
    2. EUDET_VI_IBM_FE - SALT_FE_V1 and LUMI_FE_V1 - submitted 19.02.2013 with later changes
    3. EUDET_VI_IBM_IO - pads for all previous design - up to last subbmision 19.02.2013 with later changes
    4. EUDET_VI_IBM_PLL - version for LUMI_ADC_V1 - submitted 06.02.2012 and version for LUMI_ADC_V1 - submitted 05.05.2012 with later changes
    5. EUDET_VI_IBM_TOP - top cells of all submitted asic's starting from LUMI_ADC_V1
    6. EUDET_VI_IBM_ADC_6B - SALT_ADC_V1 - submitted 05.05.2012 with later changes
    7. adc_mixed_pad - digital part of LUMI_ADC_V2 - submitted 05.05.2012
    8. adc_mixed_pad_6bit - digital part of SALT_ADC_V1 - submitted 05.05.2012
    1. ALL_TOPS - library for top cells of all submitted asic's starting from 14Feb_LumiSalt submssion
  • 14Feb_LumiSalt - repository for 14.02.2014 submission:
    1. LUMI_ADC_V3
    2. LUMI_FE_V2
    3. SALT_ADC_V2
    4. SALT_FE_V2
    5. TOP_V3
    6. IO_V3


* adcsim:

  1. trunk - AdcSim current version
  2. branches/multiadc - version supporting multichannel adc simulation (transient under spectre/aps ONLY)
/services/www/http/wiki/data/attic/structure/start.1390998340.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/08 14:06 (external edit)