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Using SVN


It goes without saying that this book exists to be a source of information and assistance for Subversion users new and old. Conveniently, though, the Subversion command-line is self-documenting, alleviating the need to grab a book off the shelf (wooden, virtual, or otherwise). The svn help command is your gateway to that built-in documentation:

$ svn help

Starting svn shell

Before you start using svn you have to start svn shell (or provide keys to ssh client in diferent way)


You should see modified prompt :

 [SVN] promt$ 

Getting repository

To get local copy of repository :

 svn checkout svn+ssh://[email protected]/REPOSITORY_NAME 

or optionaly

 svn checkout svn+ssh://[email protected]/REPOSITORY_NAME/trunk REPOSITORY_NAME 


To download most recent version form repository use:

 svn update


To commit (send to server) yours changes use:

 svn commit 

You may also add specific resource to be added:

 svn commit dir/filename 

In addition you may provide commit comment from command line using -m option:

 svn commit -m "commen to my commit"

Working with Cadence

Setting up svn

getting access to svn server

Generating ssh key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/svn

setting environment

In file ~/.bashrc you have to specify editor wich will be used to edit commit description:

 export SVN_EDITOR=gedit 

You have to add scripts directory to You PATH:

 export PATH=~/AMS400/EUDET_V/scripts:$PATH

typical use case

  1. going into repository directory
    cd ~AMS400/EUDET_V
  2. getting latest version
    svn update
  3. work very hard
  4. work ending
    • getting latest version (someone may changed something while you were working on Yours local copy of data)
      svn update
    • if there are were any changes You should check if Your work is compatible with changes commited by someone
    • if You created any new files (cells, schematics, layouts, …) You should add them to repository add [dir/file]
    • at the end You have to send changes to repository
      svn commit

      You should put (not to long, but having sense) comment

  • this script was written to help with adding new files to repository
  • it is placed at : scripts/
  • there are two configuration files :
    • scripts/files.cnf - tells which files should be added
    • scripts/dirs.cnf - tells which directories should be added
  • typical output :
kulis@lumifun:~/EUDET_V$ add
Creating /home/kulis/EUDET_V/scripts/logs/
scripts/                                                           [file] [PY ] [+]
scripts/unknow_type.123                                                         [file] [!!!] [-]
scripts/logs/                                  [file] [SL ] [-]
Unmached files:
  • meaning of columns in [] :
    1. file system node type (file or directory)
    2. identified object type (schematic, layout, script) (if colour is green it means that object was identified, if colour is red and string is “!!!” it means that type is unknown and proper pattern should be added to files/dirs.cnf)
    3. will object be added to repository (+ yes, - no)
  • If there are unknown types of files script will not allow to proceed


rename cell

  • if You rename cell A to cell B under CADANCE, you have to :
    1. svn update
    2. svn del A
    3. del_svn_info B
    4. add B

switching to new access method


$ svn info
Path: .
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: ...
Revision: ...
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: ...
Last Changed Rev: ...
Last Changed Date: ...

$svn switch --relocate svn+ssh://[email protected]/YOUR_REPO .
/services/www/http/wiki/data/attic/svn/start.1342772271.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/08 14:06 (external edit)